Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Education - professional setting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Education - professional setting - Essay Example occurs in an educational environment.3 It appears to be necessary for teachers to adopt unconventional methods of teaching within the conventional educational framework, aided by structural changes, in order to bring about real change. The two films â€Å"Dead poets Society† and â€Å"Stand and Deliver† both present unconventional teachers, who challenge their students to think out of the box and who impart an unusual element into their classrooms, thereby engaging the interest of their students and leading them on to active participation in learning.4 Therefore, they raise the following issues: â€Å"Make your lives extraordinary!† says the Robin Williams character, John Keating who encourages his students to follow their passions. He is an unconventional teacher who encourages his students not to follow by rote learning methods but to follow their passions and to learn to think for themselves. The character of Jaime Escalante, a Math high school teacher in east Los Angeles is equally unconventional and daring in his classes, forever challenging his students to perform. He has a simple philosophy about learning – students will rise and perform to the level of the expectations about them and he constantly challenges the invisible barriers that exist in the students’ minds, about their Hispanic race and their poor socio economic status being barriers to their performance in their lessons and challenges them all to study for an advanced AP calculus exam. The relationship between the teacher and his students in the â€Å"Dead Poets Society† that of mentor and co-conspirator, encouraging them to eschew traditional male socialization norms instilled in them by their own fathers, to follow a more unconventional path, although the non conformist views propagated by John Keating are unable to fly because the boys must face the reality of traditional socialization and gender roles. According to Spence, â€Å"in contemporary society, gender is a central organizing

Monday, October 28, 2019

Gender Equality Essay Example for Free

Gender Equality Essay Irrespective of the country and the cultures people live in, it is next to impossible to keep the question of gender equality hidden in the modern society. When the word gender equality was voiced in the 19th century what was been sought was political rights. Not only then but also today inequality between men and women has been evident in our society. Discrimination against women is an act that has had a lot of negative impact in our society and to the women themselves. This has been demonstrated through gender violence, economic discrimination, reproductive health inequalities and harmful traditional practices. It is a concern to the whole world to a point of making the affirmative action to fix this problem. Gender equality first and foremost is a human right; women are entitled to live in dignity and in freedom from fear and want (Tomasevski, 1993). Should men and women be equal in the modern society? Men and women are equal; only that women are victims of pervert social progress. Gender discrimination between men and women leads to unequal access to the resources and benefits of development. see more:gender discrimination short essay Gender inequality affects all people; sustainable gains in development and poverty reduction are only possible when men and women are full and equal participants in society. Men and women are different but they are equal in that whatever men can do their women counter parts can do it well. Men and women are equal what brings the discrimination is the socialization that men and women get. The notion that women are weak has denied many women with the ability to exploit the abilities they have (Tierney, 2007). Men and women are equal in so many aspects and should be equal. Politically, financially and academically no much difference that can be noted, it is insignificant. In the political realms there are women who are doing extemporal well. Taking the example of the just concluded US election Hillary Clinton had good support and motions that would be bought by the rest of the candidates. In the world of business we have Oprah Winfrey; an indicator of what women can do. She is competing among the men in that field and still her success is a threat to many. In the modern society women have been known to take responsibilities of raising the families. Women have come up so well in that their dependency level is going down even though they are discriminated in salaries. This is a proof enough that if women are given equal opportunity with men they can do much well. In the employment sector women are taking those opportunities which were thought to be for men (Kramarae Spender, 2000). Women are managers of big companies and also owners just as men. They are also well represented in the government sectors and in the government. They have become career makers. Men have the initiative of sharing the household responsibilities. It is a common occurrence that couples can choose whether it is the woman or the man who will get a leave to take care of their new borne baby. Men and women are equal in the eyes of the law; they are subjected under the same law. Women are equal to men in all aspects hence in the modern society they should get the right to basic needs, education, job training and employment as men do. Empowering women is a great tool for reducing poverty and advancing development. Empowered women contribute to productivity and health in the families and communities and hence improved prospects for the next generation (Cross, 2001). The idea that men are stronger physically is just a preference of a few. If women are given similar opportunities as men they can perform equally well. Denial of opportunity has contributed to decreased performance of women in various areas. On the other hand both women and men should not forget their roles though sharing of responsibilities is taking root in the modern society. References: Cross, P. L. (2001): Womens Rights are Human Rights; Human Rights are Womens Rights. Retrieved on 29th Dec, 2008 from: http://www. pinn. net/~sunshine/essays/w_rights. html Kramarae, C. , Spender D, (2000): Routledge International Encyclopaedia of Women: Global Womens Issues and Knowledge. ISBN 0415920906, 9780415920902, Routledge Tierney, J. (2007): Men and Women, Different but Equal: What’s the Problem? Retrieved on 29th Dec, 2008 from: http://tierneylab. blogs. nytimes. com/2007/09/09/men-and-women-different-but-equal-whats-the-problem/ Tomasevski, K. , (1993). Women and Human Rights. ISBN 185649120X, 9781856491204, Zed Books

Saturday, October 26, 2019

European Colonialism, Imperialism, and Cultural Superiority Essay examp

European Imperialism and Cultural Superiority      Ã‚  Ã‚   Many factors contributed to the colonization of Africa by European powers between 1895 and 1905. Among these factors were the effects of European history, the growing capitalist economy, and the growing competition between European powers. Most important was the belief that European culture was superior to African culture. During the height of imperialism, the vast majority of the African continent was controlled by Europe (à ¬Extentà ® 19). It is important to understand what gave the momentum for European dominance at the time.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Imperialism is present in European history, beginning with the Roman Empire (Lenin). Lugard believes that Europeans inherited à ¬instincts of colonial expansionà ® from their ancestors (Lugard). The Romans practiced what was essentially an early form of imperialist economics (Lenin). Joseph A. Schumpeter writes that most of the wars of history were fought without any real justifiable purpose, and instead were fought out of aggression for its own sake (Schumpeter). He seems to believe that the imperialism is much the same (Schumpeter). This he relates to the history of Europe by noting that the nobles, who had a strong history in warfare for its own sake, were influential in pushing for imperialism (Schumpeter). He believes that the bourgeois class would never have accomplished imperialism on its own (Schumpeter).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     If it were necessary to give the briefest possible definition of imperialism we should have to say that imperialism is the monopoly stage of capitalism à ¬ (Lenin). There were definite economic factors contributing to the move towards imperialism in Europe (Hobson). This is probably the most basic explanation of Eur... ...02hobson.html>. Kipling, Rudyard. "The White Manà ­s Burden." Aug. 1997 <>. Lenin, Vladimir Illyich . "Imperialism, the Highest State of Capitalism." July 1998 <>. Lugard, F.D. "The Rise of Our East African Empire." Nov. 1998 <> Orwell, George. 'Shooting an Elephant." 2 June, 1997 <> Paton, John G. July 1998 <>. Schumpeter, Joseph A. "The Sociology of Imperialism." July 1998 <>. Townsend, Mary Evelyn. European Colonial Expansion Since 1871. Chicago: J.P. Lippincott Company, 1941.   

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Ted Baker

The brief was to create an integrated campaign that articulates the Ted Baker brand in one of these four categories; watches, eyewear, footwear and fragrances. Free to work in any media and it can be displayed in the store swell as in the public domain. Using the Ted baker logo within the designs, free to work in any style and using any media. The requirements for the brief were simply 4 posters relating to the certain category we had chosen. Anything else provided would be optional extras. These posters would support the brand and help push the boundaries in terms of styling, attention to detail and quality. Sources of research were initially just images online, billboards etc.. I found with Ted Baker that their advertising campaigns were pretty limited. In Cabot Circus there's a Ted Baker store with a few bits and bobs dotted around but they don't sell glasses anyway so most of my research was left to depending on online resources. My research consisted of images with Ray-ban, their campaign ‘Never Hide' is really well known and is very recognised, really different posters are designed which is shown in my research. My final ideas were very professional and I feel they related to the brand, I felt they were quite strong. Using Photoshop I played about with imagery and layers, I chose a few high resolution images which I overlaid and edited in Photoshop. Then I chose a border which I also overlaid and played about with, I wanted a grungey feel but at the same time I wanted it to be simplistic, similar to the work i would imagine Ted Baker to look like/And want to put up around shops etc.. After experimenting with backgrounds, I finally came up with one final browny/cream coloured type background with a black border, I then edited this in Photoshop and then played around with effects and eventually came up with inverting it and then playing about with the colours, finally I had a red, blue, green and black one. I then started playing about with vectors of glasses and chose 4 different pairs of glasses online and then drew around them with the pen tool. Initially I had live traced them and then live painted, but I felt drawing them with the pen tool was much more accurate and precise, it also meant it was easier to edit the colours if I did need to change the colours for whatever reason. I would've preferred to have the posters at a bigger scale, maybe A2 as I feel in a shop these would suit the shop more rather than an A3 poster, it's not massively noticeable. I used bright colours which had been lowered in saturation so they didn't stand out so much. I sed the typeface future which was the closest to the Ted Baker Logo typeface as I could get. I used 2 taglines; including â€Å"essential eyewear† and â€Å"eye candy†. I wanted to keep what I was saying professional. The posters all flowed and kept certain things the same, meaning the layout, typeface, background style and positioning of the text. Throughout this brief I took a different approach to how I would normally, I visited the Ted Baker shop because the poster s would be if printed, put up around the store in bigger. The targeted audience are lovers of glasses, Ted Baker or not. I wanted to keep a simplistic feel but at the same time make it very professional, which is different to a lot of the work I would usually produce. I learnt certain simple things in Photoshop which I didn't know before, ‘overlaying' etc. I feel I have successfully met the brief and produced some nice final outcomes which meet the requirements and are aesthetically pleasing.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Educational and Career Goal Essay

Since young our minds are set to particular career choice and goals. We always think what is best for our future and dreamed of being successful someday. Nothing is constant in this world; there are times that even professional ones experienced career doubts and may result to career change. And this is only a test of perseverance. I am married and I have two smart kids, a boy and a girl. I am continuing my education here in United States and taking up Music as my major and Radiology as my minor. As a married person, I have to be wise in choosing my educational and career goal. This career will be my path and to be followed for the rest of my life to serve the future needs of my family. Goal setting is very challenging and difficult on my part but I know everything is for my family. Many factors to consider in achieving one’s goal and the best one are proper time management and making smarter decisions. Being a parent, I have to manage my time wisely and have balance in setting my priorities. Knowing what you want from your time, learn to see the difference between urgent and important, know and respect your priorities, plan your actions for achieving your goals, schedule time for your task and know how to spend your time ( Time, 2002) are some of the time management tips which will help a lot in setting our goals. In career planning it will take time. First step is to find out what we really want to do and what motivates us why we choose such career. Finding out our weak points and what are our aspirations and aptitudes in pursuing such course. Looking up to our priorities and proper decision making will help a lot to be on top of our success. Effective planning can reduce much the necessary time and effort of achieving the goal (Planning, 2002) and important in making good decision. Our education years, choosing the right course is our preparation for the next step in our life and be able to pursue to another stage of career, which is our job. All is focused on achieving the goals and obstacles started to come out and this time, good decision making will apply. According to Time Management Guide (2002), â€Å"Decision making can be hard; almost any decision involves some conflicts or dissatisfaction†. The difficult part is to pick one situation where the positive outcome can outweigh possible losses (Time, 2002). As a student, choosing the right career is important decision in my life. This is important in many aspects; we can choose whatever jobs we want. This will lead us to our dreams and fulfillment of our needs. Dedication to our career should be 100% to reach the so-called success in life. Choosing a right career will guide us through a path that we are going to follow for the rest of our life. Careful planning and wise decision making are the keys in achieving our goals.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Natural Law Theory Example

Natural Law Theory Example Natural Law Theory – Coursework Example Natural Law Theory Natural Law Theory Natural law is a body of unwritten body of universal principles that underlie the legal and ethical norms by which people evaluate and govern human conducts. These set of laws are significantly different from the positive laws that consist of written rules and regulations endorsed by the government. The general acceptance of the doctrine of natural law among the Germans has led to the disobedience of orders to execute civilians. As Ohlendorf affirms during his trial, it is indeed inconceivable that a lesser leader should not carry out commands given by the leaders of the state. In reality, the point of his reasoning is right. However, the human beings are moral creatures. If the natural laws exist to govern the ethical nature and behavior of man, then individuals must not follow instructions blindly to appease their leaders. The current scenario of legislation in Germany is mature and individuals seem to feel the impact of the subjection to the s et of natural laws. The defiance of the unscrupulous orders from the leaders of the state should not be the termed as disobedience. Rather, the citizens have come to mature up with time and the natural laws and principles individual tend to recognize and apply them in their life. In this context, Ohlendorf’s rationale, if evaluated under the contemporary moral and ethical conditions, would be considered as an act that ignores the principles of natural law. Therefore, the general acceptance the doctrine of natural law among Germans have led to disobedience in orders to execute civilians when ethical and moral principles are at stake. Reference, (2015). Ohlentestimony. Retrieved 8 May 2015, from

Monday, October 21, 2019

Battle of Fort Sumter in the American Civil War

Battle of Fort Sumter in the American Civil War The Battle of Fort Sumter was fought April 12-14, 1861, and was the opening engagement of the American Civil War. In the wake of President Abraham Lincolns election in November 1860, the state of South Carolina began debating secession. On December 20, a vote was taken in which the state decided to leave the Union. Over the next several weeks, South Carolinas lead was followed by Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas. As each state left, local forces began seizing federal installations and property. Among those military installations to hold out were Forts Sumter and Pickens in Charleston, SC and Pensacola, FL. Concerned that aggressive action could lead the remaining slave states to secede, President James Buchanan elected not to resist the seizures.   Situation in Charleston In Charleston, the Union garrison was led by Major Robert Anderson. A capable officer, Anderson was a protà ©gà © of General Winfield Scott, the noted Mexican-American War commander. Placed in command of the Charleston defenses on November 15,1860, Anderson was a native of Kentucky who had formerly owned slaves. In addition to his even temperament and skills as an officer, the administration hoped his appointment would be viewed as a diplomatic gesture. Arriving as his new post, Anderson immediately faced heavy pressure from the local community as he attempted to improve the Charleston fortifications. Based at Fort Moultrie on Sullivans Island, Anderson was dissatisfied with its landward defenses which had been compromised by sand dunes.   Nearly as tall as the forts walls, the dunes could have facilitated any potential attack on the post. Moving to have the dunes cleared away, Anderson quickly came under fire from the Charleston newspapers and was criticized by city leaders. Forces and Commanders Union Major Robert Anderson85 men Confederate Brigadier General P.G.T. BeauregardAbout 500 men A Near Siege As the final weeks of the fall progressed, tensions in Charleston continued to rise and the garrison of the harbor forts was increasingly isolated. Additionally, the South Carolina authorities placed picket boats in the harbor to observe the activities of the soldiers. With the secession of South Carolina on December 20, the situation facing Anderson grew more grave. On December 26, feeling that his men would not be safe if they remained at Fort Moultrie, Anderson ordered them to spike its guns and burn the carriages. This done, he embarked his men in boats and directed them to sail out to Fort Sumter. Located on a sand bar at the mouth of the harbor, Fort Sumter was believed to be one of the strongest fortresses in the world. Designed to house 650 men and 135 guns, construction of Fort Sumter had begun 1827 and was still not complete. Andersons actions enraged Governor Francis W. Pickens who believed that Buchanan had promised that Fort Sumter would not be occupied. In actuality, Buchanan had made no such promise and had always carefully crafted his correspondence with Pickens to allow maximum flexibility of action in regard to the Charleston harbor forts. From Andersons standpoint, he was simply following orders from Secretary of War John B. Floyd which instructed him to shift his garrison to whichever fort you may deem most proper to increase its power of resistance should fighting commence. Despite this, the leadership of South Carolina viewed Andersons actions to be a breach of faith and demanded that he turn over the fort. Refusing, Anderson and his garrison settled in for what essentially became a siege. Resupply Attempts Fail In an effort to resupply Fort Sumter, Buchanan ordered the ship Star of the West to proceed to Charleston. On January 9, 1861, the ship was fired upon by Confederate batteries, manned by cadets from the Citadel, as it attempted to enter the harbor. Turning to depart, it was hit by two shells from Fort Moultrie before escaping. As Andersons men held the fort through February and March, the new Confederate government in Montgomery, AL debated how to handle the situation. In March, newly elected Confederate President Jefferson Davis placed Brigadier General P.G.T. Beauregard in charge of the siege. Working to improve his forces, Beauregard conducted drills and training to teach the South Carolina militia how to operate the guns in the other harbor forts. On April 4, having learned that Anderson only had food to last until the fifteenth, Lincoln ordered a relief expedition assembled with an escort provided by the US Navy. In an attempt to ease tensions, Lincoln contacted South Carolina Governor Francis W. Pickens two days later and informed him of the effort. Lincoln stressed that as long as the relief expedition was allowed to proceed, only food would be delivered, however, if attacked, efforts would be made to reinforce the fort. In response, the Confederate government decided to open fire on the fort with the goal of forcing its surrender before the Union fleet could arrive. Alerting Beauregard, he dispatched a delegation to the fort on April 11 to again demand its surrender. Refused, further discussions after midnight failed to resolve the situation. Around 3:20 a.m. on April 12, Confederate authorities alerted Anderson that they would open fire in one hour. The Civil War Begins At 4:30 a.m. on April 12, a single mortar round fired by Lieutenant Henry S. Farley burst over Fort Sumter signaling the other harbor forts to open fire. Anderson did not reply until 7:00 when Captain Abner Doubleday fired the first shot for the Union. Low on food and ammunition, Anderson endeavored to protect his men and minimize their exposure to danger. As a result, he restricted them to only using the forts lower, casemated guns which were not situated to effectively damage the other harbor forts. Bombarded for thirty-four hours, Fort Sumters officers quarters caught on fire and its main flag pole was felled. While Union troops were rigging a new pole, the Confederates dispatched a delegation to inquire if the fort was surrendering. With his ammunition almost exhausted, Anderson agreed to a truce at 2:00 PM on April 13. Prior to evacuating, Anderson was permitted to fire a 100-gun salute to the US flag. During this salute a pile of cartridges caught fire and exploded, killing Private Daniel Hough and mortally wounding Private Edward Galloway. The two men were the only fatalities to occur during the bombardment. Surrendering the fort at 2:30 p.m. on April 14, Andersons men were later transported to the relief squadron, then offshore, and placed aboard the steamer Baltic. Aftermath of the Battle Union losses in the battle numbered two killed and the loss of the fort while the Confederates reported four wounded. The bombardment of Fort Sumter was the opening battle of the Civil War and launched the nation into four years of bloody fighting. Anderson returned north and toured as a national hero. During the war, several attempts were made to recapture the fort with no success. Union forces finally took possession of the fort after Major General William T. Shermans troops captured Charleston in February 1865. On April 14, 1865, Anderson returned to the fort to re-hoist the flag he had been forced to lower four years earlier.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to be More Aggressive at Work, Without Looking Like a Jerk

How to be More Aggressive at Work, Without Looking Like a Jerk You’ve probably heard that being aggressive in the workplace is a good thing. The problem is being aggressive without coming off as â€Å"aggressive†. This is a very difficult skill for people to master, sometimes more difficult than various hard skills they possess. So what’s the secret to mastering this contradictory skill?  Source: [thinkconfidence]

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Strategic Choice and Evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Strategic Choice and Evaluation - Essay Example This paper will look at alternatives Medtronic’s should consider to realize growth. The paper will assess the best value discipline, generic strategy, and grand strategy for the organization. The paper will conclude by recommending a combination of strategies the organization should put into practice. The best value discipline Medtronic’s should consider to realize growth is customer intimacy. This means that Medtronic’s will concentrate on providing services and products required by a particular client and not what is required by the whole market. Organizations, which are customer-intimate, develop relationships with their clients and are not after one time dealings. They dedicate their selves in satisfying distinctive needs, which frequently only they, by virtue of their profound knowledge, and intimate relationship with clients acknowledge (Grant, 2008). Therefore, for Medtronic’s to realize growth, their suggestion to the clients should be to provide t he best solution for them and offer all the assistance necessary so as to realize the best outcomes and at total minimal cost. The best generic strategy to be employed by Medtronic’s should be the cost leadership strategy. Generic strategies illustrate the techniques of attaining competitive advantage. This explains the techniques employed to establish the upper hand that gets the organization the sale and takes it away from rivals in the sector. There are two ways Medtronic’s may realize this by utilizing the cost leadership strategy. One, Medtronic’s may enhance earnings by minimizing expenses while utilizing industry-average costs. Two, Medtronic’s may augment market share by imposing reduced costs, while at the same time making a realistic profit on every services offered and of product sold because Medtronic’s will have decreased costs. One should bear in mind that cost leadership concerns lessening the cost to the organization of providing se rvices and products. Also, it should be noted that the price or cost paid by the client is a distinct matter. The cost leadership strategy entails being the leader with regard to cost in the market or industry. Being among the lowest-cost producers is simply not sufficient as Medtronic’s will leave itself wide open to competition by other organizations who offer services and products at a lower cost and, consequently, may emasculate Medtronic’s prices and, therefore, hinder its capacity to realize growth. Therefore, Medtronic’s needs to have confidence in attaining and retaining the leaders position prior to selecting the cost leadership strategy. Nonetheless, organizations that successfully realize the cost leadership strategy typically contain extremely adequate logistics, access to the funds required to invest in technology which will help lessen costs, and a reduced cost base, and a strategy of efficiently reducing costs beneath those of its rivals (Olsen, 2 012). The grand strategy that Medtronic’s should consider to realize growth is product development. Product development entails investing immensely in research and development so as to fashion innovative and new product offerings. Product development is fundamentally the reverse of market development. Pro

Friday, October 18, 2019

Examine why commodity prices might be expected to be volatile than the Essay

Examine why commodity prices might be expected to be volatile than the prices of manufactured goods. Explain how the expansion of bio fuels could push up the pr - Essay Example Examples are tyre, table, etc. The word volatile means flexible. In other words it means something which is subject to change. 1. Interest rate: Commodity price changes inversely with the interest rates. That is, the higher the interest rate, lower the commodity price and the lower the interest rate higher the commodity price. 2. Future Trading: The futures contract refers to an agreement between two parties for the purchase or sale of goods or bill of exchange which is being fixed at the time of agreement, but the actual delivery of goods take place at a future date. â€Å"In futures trading, there is usually a contract, which is essentially an agreement between two parties to buy or sell an underlying asset at a certain time in the future at a certain price. A futures contract usually has a standardized date and month of delivery, quantity and price.† (Futures Trading). Future contracts result in the prices of commodities becoming more flexible. In order to safeguard the interest of some parties in future trading some company may opt for increasing the prices of commodities. Future trading mostly happens in commodities. For manufactured goods, future contracts are very less. So the prices of commodities are more volatile than the prices of manufactured goods. Demand and supply of the commodities are other reasons for the price volatility of the commodities. That is, the commodity market is more price elastic. A slight change in demand or supply of the commodity may result in a very high change in the price of the commodities. But in the case of manufactured goods the price elasticity is very less. That is, change in demand or supply results in a very low change in price of the goods. So the prices of manufactured goods are less volatile. 4. Large number of producers: There will be large number of producers for the commodities. This results in frequent fluctuations in the prices of commodities. When one producer reduces or increases the price

Supply chain management case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Supply chain management - Case Study Example Increasing the safety stock will positively impact on the operations of the company since it may be able to keep enough stock which entails that customers are not turned away empty handed. 2. Mr Flint should maintain the intermodal method of transportation of the MWED10GD which costs $4000 per load of 2000 units. This will help the company to maintain the costs at a lower level than to opt for the direct truck model which would increase the costs. The products supplied remain the same while the price does not change. This can strain the company in terms of revenue generated. Therefore, it would be wise for the company to increase the safety stock so that the customers would get something rather than wait for the next consignment. Through maintaining costs at a minimum level while increasing the level of stock will help the company to generate more quick returns in terms of the revenue it

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Obesity and its many health concerns Research Paper

Obesity and its many health concerns - Research Paper Example This was owing to the alarming increase in the number of people suffering from this problem as well as the serious health risks that an individual is exposed to owing to this health condition. Obesity is a life hampering condition which tends to affect the living of an individual and this issue needs to be dealt with in the best possible manner to control the rise in the number of people suffering from this problem (McCambridge 2006). . The statistics of obesity have been increasing at a very fast pace in the United States of America. The situation has become very grave owing to the fact that it has been analyzed that United States has the highest rates of obesity in comparison to the other countries across the globe. In the year 2010, it was seen that one out of every five people in the United States suffered from the problem of increased weight. This showed a substantial increase in comparison to the year 1991 when one out of every eight individuals had weight above the normal limi ts. Furthermore, it has been highlighted that the rate of obesity has increased by more than three times in comparison to the year 1961. Dr. ... According to the similar report the number of adults who have weight above normal limits and are obese ranges to about 130 million (Bass III 2011; Huber 2010; McCambridge 2006). It has been highlighted that obesity is a pathological condition that poses many risks for the human health. The Department of Health and Human Services indicated the fact that the obese individuals laid a greater burden on the healthcare system of the country and hundred billion dollars have to be diverted every year towards the healthcare costs on the obese individuals. It has also been analyzed that obesity related pathologies are responsible for the death of 300,000 people in the United States (Bass III 2011; Huber 2010). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have set standards to check for the individuals who suffer from obesity. The Body Mass Index is the widely used calculation for checking obesity. This index utilizes the height and the weight of the person to calculate the results of the amo unt of fat present in a person’s body. The result is compared with a standard chart which has the different BMI values according to the sex and the age of the individuals. This indicates the fact that the BMI values differ from one person to owing to different BMI values for different ages and sexes. The CDC has laid guidelines that all individuals who have a BMI ranging from 25 to 29.9 suffer from increased weight and those individuals who have a BMI above 30 suffer from obesity (Bass III 2011; McCambridge 2006). There has been great emphasis laid upon childhood obesity and obesity amongst the younger age groups. This is owing to the fact that forty percent of

Style Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Style - Essay Example James Joyce has also zeroed in on the psychoanalysis, whereby his mind has acknowledged the streams of consciousness within his work. It is a concise example of a writer who is trying his best to make do with the intrinsic realities of a heroine as well as her endeavors to deal with the surroundings. Hypotactic Style in Eveline The social conditions of the women within Ireland are highlighted within Eveline which they faced within the latter years of the 19th century (Gordon 1995). The hypotactic style has been presented from the thoughts of the heroine as these are being depicted through her mind whilst recalling events sitting in front of a window. The story seems to be non-linear in structure. James Joyce has been able to represent the hypotactic style through his interest on character thoughts. What one can understand from the short story Eveline is the ideology that James Joyce has given his best at making people understand the nuances of thinking and how perspectives are aligne d in a way that seems fit with the hypotactic style as is surely known through the aegis of James Joyce. What one can comprehend from Eveline is the fact that it centers on the premise of different characters living within Dublin who were having issues in dealing with the time period. Eveline is the advent between adolescence and maturity.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Obesity and its many health concerns Research Paper

Obesity and its many health concerns - Research Paper Example This was owing to the alarming increase in the number of people suffering from this problem as well as the serious health risks that an individual is exposed to owing to this health condition. Obesity is a life hampering condition which tends to affect the living of an individual and this issue needs to be dealt with in the best possible manner to control the rise in the number of people suffering from this problem (McCambridge 2006). . The statistics of obesity have been increasing at a very fast pace in the United States of America. The situation has become very grave owing to the fact that it has been analyzed that United States has the highest rates of obesity in comparison to the other countries across the globe. In the year 2010, it was seen that one out of every five people in the United States suffered from the problem of increased weight. This showed a substantial increase in comparison to the year 1991 when one out of every eight individuals had weight above the normal limi ts. Furthermore, it has been highlighted that the rate of obesity has increased by more than three times in comparison to the year 1961. Dr. ... According to the similar report the number of adults who have weight above normal limits and are obese ranges to about 130 million (Bass III 2011; Huber 2010; McCambridge 2006). It has been highlighted that obesity is a pathological condition that poses many risks for the human health. The Department of Health and Human Services indicated the fact that the obese individuals laid a greater burden on the healthcare system of the country and hundred billion dollars have to be diverted every year towards the healthcare costs on the obese individuals. It has also been analyzed that obesity related pathologies are responsible for the death of 300,000 people in the United States (Bass III 2011; Huber 2010). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have set standards to check for the individuals who suffer from obesity. The Body Mass Index is the widely used calculation for checking obesity. This index utilizes the height and the weight of the person to calculate the results of the amo unt of fat present in a person’s body. The result is compared with a standard chart which has the different BMI values according to the sex and the age of the individuals. This indicates the fact that the BMI values differ from one person to owing to different BMI values for different ages and sexes. The CDC has laid guidelines that all individuals who have a BMI ranging from 25 to 29.9 suffer from increased weight and those individuals who have a BMI above 30 suffer from obesity (Bass III 2011; McCambridge 2006). There has been great emphasis laid upon childhood obesity and obesity amongst the younger age groups. This is owing to the fact that forty percent of

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Democracy in Israel and France Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Democracy in Israel and France - Research Paper Example Free, Fair, Competitive Elections Democracy is a system that guarantees the freedom of expression and human rights in a country, as well as free and fair elections without discrimination, and as a result, protecting civil and political rights of citizens. In December 2011, Israeli vice president, Moshe Yaalon, declared that majority of the Arab countries were not ready for democracy. This is because of the previous deaths, which occurred in an attempt to fight dictatorship in these countries. The Israel vice president argued that democracy could be achieved through fair and free elections. However, the Palestinians argue that Israel call for democracy is hypocritical, mainly because the Israel government refused to accept the 2006 election results, which were perceived to be free and fair ( Para 5). As a result, Israel is hypocritical when it claims that it is democratic, in the election process. France is a Western European country, having a population of approximately 61million and is among the successful countries globally. It is a republic compromising of both presidential and parliamentary systems of government. It is considered democratic, with the parliament system being common; however, it has constitutional limits, which include the legislature’s power to bring down a government among others. Needless to say, France is democratic on how it conducts its elections. Freedom of the Press According to the world audit, Israel is rated as number 36, whilst France is at number 24 (World Audit 2011). France has an independent media, where freedom of communication and speech is valued as a human right. As a result, the French are allowed to speak, write, or print any article; however, they are held responsible for abuse of this freedom. France guarantees freedom of the press, which is supported by the 1881 Act on freedom of the press; however, it contains restrictions, which are aimed at balancing freedom of expression, citizen protection, and maintaining law and order (French embassy Para 2). The France law also punishes any acts of defamation and slander, as well as offensive speeches or contemptuous; therefore, the freedom of the press in France is conditional, and as a result, her democracy is flawed. Israel’s drop in press freedom was because of its press regulations on international media early in 2009. Journalists were arrested and even imprisoned, with

Sherlock Holmes Essay Example for Free

Sherlock Holmes Essay How does Arthur Conan Doyle create an atmosphere of mystery and build suspense in The Speckled Band? To what extent are his methods typical of all the other stories in The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes?  The story The speckled band was written by Arthur Conan Doyle in 1982 and is one of the many stories in the large Sherlock Holmes series of stories. As known the stories are based on inquiries and investigations, because of course Sherlock Holmes is an investigator, this in itself gives a sense of excitement to the story because you know that there will e a constant thrill throughout the story, especially seems as it is likely that it will be based on something like a murder, or an affair, etc. As soon as the story starts, Holmes gets straight into the action, as a poor victim comes round to his home and asks him for help. She is portrayed to the reader as being in a very poor and vulnerable position by her face (being) all drawn and grey, with restless, frightened eyes, like those of some hunted animal, she is also shivering from fear and so now the reader knows that there is a vulnerable victim, that something is wrong, and that something unjust will be done against her, and so it builds the excitement and suspense in the readers mind. This same scenario is presented in A case of Identity when Miss Sutherland comes to Sherlock Holmes in a similar vulnerable state, frightened. As usual straight away Holmes picks up on all the little details, such as the mud stains on the victims clothes, and manages to create a clear picture in his mind of the situation. The victim is called Miss Helen Stoner. When she first came into the story she was wearing black, veiled and grey haired. She was shivering and terrified, which creates a scary if not intriguing scene leaving the reader asking why is she in this state?!, the lady also gave a violent start, by saying It is fear Mr Holmes, It is terror.  The story then goes on and Holmes is told about the ladys step father, who instantly Holmes recognizes as the murderer.  We can make out from the story, that her step father Doctor Grimesby Roylott was a violent man who had a bad and short temper, and after his wife dies he shut himself up at home and became very violent, and we are told that he is a man of immense strength, and absolutely uncontrollable in his anger. The suspected murderer is described as being a very strong and powerful person, and extremely dangerous, this adds suspense and excitement to the story because from this description you can instantly tell that something out of the ordinary has got to happen with this man.  The killing motive is also freaky in a way, because what he was trying to kill Miss Helen Stoner for was money. His wife left money for her daughters, but if they die he would receive the money.  Personally I dont feel sympathy for Doctor Roylott because hes sick and twisted, hes also very selfish, but a very dangerous man. The scene of the murder adds a considerable amount of suspense to the story, this is because as it is first described, the building is made out to be a scary if not haunted freaky place.  The house is described as The building was of grey, lichen-blotched stone, with a high central portion and two curving wings, like the claws of a crab, thrown out on each side. In one of these wings the windows were broken and blocked with wooden boards, while the roof was partly caved in basically making it look like a picture of ruin. This creates a spooky and scary atmosphere, which makes the reader feel very cautious because its a typical description of a haunted house where anything could suddenly happen. This atmosphere can be easily related to a typical atmosphere of a murder mystery. To add to the atmosphere or fear and horror, the reader is told about the Doctors hobby of keeping wild dangerous animals, and that there is a Wild baboon and a cheetah in the grounds of the house. In the story Holmes suspects Grimesby Roylott as the murder suspect, and he treats the case as urgent, and helps Helen Stoner straight away. This gives the reader the impression that it is important, and so it adds to the feeling that something big is going to happen, and that the case is dangerous. The addition of creepy objects in the house also helps relate an atmosphere, such as the useless ventilator, and the ropes which hung down to the ladys bed.  Holmes also suspects the animal as a dangerous exotic one, in this case it being a snake, and this is not obvious to the reader, and so they will be kept waiting to see what these strange object, and weird animals are all there for. In the end, the murderer who correctly turns out to be Doctor Roylott, gets killed by his own weapon the deadly snake.  This makes the story come to an exciting end, and it in many ways sums up the complete suspense and mystery that has been throughout the book, and makes it all clear to the reader at the end.  The readers will also think about if they think he deserved to get killed because he is sick and twisted, and because he does not care for any one apart from himself. I like my murder mysteries to have a twist at the end and that good always wins.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Pestel Analysis Of Icici Prudential Economics Essay

Pestel Analysis Of Icici Prudential Economics Essay Threat of New Entrants. The average entrepreneur cant come along and start a large insurance company. The threat of new entrants lies within the insurance industry itself. Some companies have carved out niche areas in which they underwrite insurance. These insurance companies are fearful of being squeezed out by the big players. Another threat for many insurance companies is other financial services companies entering the market. Power of Suppliers. The suppliers of capital might not pose a big threat, but the threat of suppliers luring away human capital does. If a talented insurance underwriter is working for a smaller insurance company (or one in a niche industry), there is the chance that person will be enticed away by larger companies looking to move into a particular market. Power of Buyers.  The individual doesnt pose much of a threat to the insurance industry. Large corporate clients have a lot more bargaining power with insurance companies. Large corporate clients like airlines and pharmaceutical companies pay millions of dollars a year in premiums. Insurance companies try extremely hard to get high-margin corporate clients. Availability of Substitutes.  This one is pretty straight forward, for there are plenty of substitutes in the insurance industry. Most large insurance companies offer similar suites of services. Whether it is auto, home, commercial, health or life insurance, chances are there are competitors that can offer similar services. In some areas of insurance, however, the availability of substitutes is  few and far between. Companies focusing on niche areas usually have a competitive advantage, but this advantage depends entirely on the size of the niche and on whether there are any barriers preventing other firms from entering. Competitive Rivalry.  The insurance industry is becoming highly competitive. The difference between one insurance company and another is usually not that great. As a result, insurance has become more like a commodity an area in which the insurance company with the low cost structure, greater efficiency and better customer service will beat out competitors. Insurance companies also use higher investment returns and a variety of insurance investment products to try to lure in customers. In the long run, were likely to see more consolidation in the insurance industry. Larger companies prefer to take over or merge with other companies rather than spend the money to market and advertise to people. Pestel analysis Political and legal factors Within Indian political ambitions and rise of communalism, fissiparous tendencies are on the rise and may well continue for quite some time. Based on this the insurance companies might introduce political risk coverage in their policies. In India the only area where customers consider to a take insurance cover is on customs duty change but also on certain conditions. The term political risk has a wider connotation than commonly understood or assumed. It covers events rising not just from politics, but risks in the course of international transactions. Based on this the insurance companies come up with new policies with respect to the problems arising out of foreign legal jurisdiction, political changes and also currency exchange difficulties being faced by many developing countries. Reforms in the Insurance sector were initiated with the passage of the IRDA Bill in Parliament in December 1999. The IRDA since its incorporation as a statutory body in April 2000 has fastidiously stuck t o its schedule of framing regulations and registering the private sector insurance companies. In India the entry mode for a company to start up a new life insurance company is to have a paid up capital of 100 crore rupees. Other rules got in by IRDA are Mandatory Investments of LIC Life Fund in government securities to be reduced from 75% to 50% GIC and its subsidiaries are not to hold more than 5% in any company (There current holdings to be brought down to this level over a period of time) Economic Factors The interest rates at bank and also the provident fund variation affect the life insurance industry as people are always attracted by a higher return. So compared to this the lower return policy is not attractive to the customers. Another factor which affects the life insurance industry is Unemployment, as unemployed people would not have any earnings, savings would be comparatively less which would mean less sales in-turn affecting the GDP of the country and also the industry. Other factors which contribute to the insurance industry are the natural factors like earthquakes, monsoons etc, as these events lead to a lot of deaths, the insurance companies have to pay claim against the policy. A typical Indian will want a better product with a low income so he prefers to pay in annuity or installments (EMI), so that they will not have extra savings to invest in the insurance policy. One of the main reasons for the economic factor is the inflation rate in todays market. High inflation rate will tend to reduce the insurances business as the money paid to the policy holder during the time of maturity will be less and it would be less attractive for the investor. Social-cultural factors Population is one of the major factors affecting the industry as the growth in population will indirectly help the companies to capture more market with more people. Life styles is another factor which affect the industry, the current life styles of the people in India are increasingly becoming like nuclear families, as both the parents would be working there would be a possibility of an accident, which would mean more sales for the company In terms of life insurance. Similarly people are interested in having a car and more cars in the road would mean more sales for life insurance. The third factor is the level of education, as India is still a developing country more than 50% of the population is illiterate and the other 50% are not sure about the concept of life insurance, creating the awareness for the product is a big challenge and one of the more contributing factors that affect the life insurance industry. Technological Factors Internet is becoming a fast house hold name in India where every house in the urban area has a connection. The life insurance industry has taken advantage of this with having many policies which can be flexible to the customer. The customer can check the flexibility sitting at home and select the best policy, pay the monthly installments and everything would be done within minutes. One more factor is the debit and credit card facilities where the customer can pay the installments easily. The life insurance industry is taking a huge advantage of the technology advancement in the world and making it their competitive advantage. Environmental factors Insurance companies in India are more affected by the environmental factors which can affect the industry. The Tsunami in 2008 which had such an impact in the south western India, Drivers of growth in the insurance industry. Government support The existing rule according to the IRDA in India is that a foreign partner can hold a maximum of 26% of equity in an insurance company. Countering this a proposal has been submitted to the government to increase the limit to 49% which would mean more money to be pumped in the market. In 1999, a total of Rs. 8.7 billion has been supplied by the foreign partners and 21 private companies have been granted licenses. Competition The intense rivalry among the players in the life insurance market is going to affect the industry in a positive way. LIC which has the most market share is showing signs of losing their grip in the competition and other companies like ICICI prudential, Metlife India are gaining. Legal aspects The insurance sectors growth is more than 3 times the growth of its economy in India. So many businesses or the domestic firms will aim to invest in insurance sector. Moreover, the growth of insurance in India is 13 times more than the growth of insurance industry in the developed countries. So foreign companies will be fostering an immense desire to invest in the Indian insurance market. Industry life cycle model Source: (Johnson, et al.2005) The theory for the Industry Life cycle is given in the Appendix. Analysing the life insurance industry in India the key observations are, the Industry is in the shake-out stage relating to the porters 5 forces analysis we can evaluate that the entry into the market is difficult and there is immense competitive rivalry in the industry and the companies are innovating with many flexible policies to suit the potential customer. The present market players like LIC, ICICI Prudential, Metlife India insurance are having a strong Managerial and Financial position, they are capable of holding the market which in the present market scenario is a key to holding customers so the weak companies are not able to cope up with this scenario and are either being taken over by the big companies or they are just run over. Scenario 1 Joint-Venture In the future we might see a lot of companies merging in order to compete with LIC which has about 68% of the market share. The next major company holding the market is ICICI Prudential with 8% which is also a joint venture between ICICI Bank and Prudential life Insurance. The difference between the top two companies is 60%. Which can also be told as a monopoly by LIC. As the insurance industry is one of the most emerging in the world many companies want to compete for the market share.Given the scenario, the only weakness that LIC has is their customer relationship management, other companies have made that area their strongest. Taking into consideration one of the drivers for change that is mentioned above, which says that the government might increase the limit of foreign companies equity to 49%, there are many opportunities for the joint ventures to happen. Few companies have already established themselves in the market like AIG with Tata, ING with Vyasaya. Scenario 2 Life Insurance becoming more tech-savvy. Another scenario is that the life insurance companies make trading online for the customers. That is make everything available in the internet for the customers like paying of premium, choosing the right policies etc. ICICI Prudential has tried its hand at the technology by giving more information about their policies and services they offer to the customers where the customers can check and enquire anything they want to know. This is one of the stepping stones to the technology of having everything electronic where the customer wont be harnessed to the paper work of having a life insurance. Many other companies have taken upon this area and soon it will be a boon to the customers. Scenario 3 Life insurance as growth of the economy Since Indias life insurance industry liberalized in 1999, there have been companies coming to India and with it increasing the competition, the innovation, the flexibilities etc. Insurance industrys contribution towards the GDP has increased significantly from 2.3% in 2001 to 5.2% in 2011. The Life insurance covers have increased about 12times in the past decade and Many analysts predict that by 2020 India will be one of the three top countries in the insurance market. The statistics say that the insurance industry will reach upto $350-$400 billion by 2020. (Study of insurance sector, 2011) Changing scenario in the life insurance industry!

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Free College Admissions Essays: Marching On :: College Admissions Essays

Marching On Sweat dripping down my face and butterflies fluttering around my stomach as if it was the Garden of Eden, I took in a deep breathe and asked myself: "Why am I so nervous? After all, it is just the most exciting day of my life." When the judges announced for the Parsippany Hills High School Marching Band to commence its show, my mind blanked out and I was on the verge of losing sanity. Giant's Stadium engulfed me, and as I pointed my instrument up to the judges' stand, I gathered my thoughts and placed my mouth into the ice-cold mouthpiece of the contrabass. "Ready or not," I beamed, "here comes the best show you will ever behold." There is no word to describe the feeling I obtain through music. However, there is no word to describe the pain I suffer through in order to be the best in the band either. When I switched my instrument to tuba from flute in seventh grade, little did I know the difference it would make in the four years of high school I was soon to experience. I joined marc hing band in ninth grade as my ongoing love for music waxed. When my instructor placed the 30 lb. sousaphone on my shoulder on the first day, I lost my balance and would have fallen had my friends not made the effort to catch me. During practices, I always attempted to ease the discomfort as the sousaphone cut through my collar bone, but eventually my shoulder started to agonize and bleed under the pressure. My endurance and my effort to play the best show without complaining about the weight paid off when I received the award for "Rookie of the Year." For the next three seasons of band practice, the ache and toil continued. Whenever the band had practice, followed by a football game and then a competition, my brain would blur from fatigue and my body would scream in agony. Nevertheless, I pointed my toes high in the air as I marched on, passionate about the activity. As a result, my band instructor saw my drive toward music and I was named Quartermaster for my junior year, being tr usted with organizing, distributing, and collecting uniforms for all seventy-five members of the band. The responsibility was tremendous. It took a bulk of my time, but the sentiment of knowing that I was an important part of band made it all worthwhile. Free College Admissions Essays: Marching On :: College Admissions Essays Marching On Sweat dripping down my face and butterflies fluttering around my stomach as if it was the Garden of Eden, I took in a deep breathe and asked myself: "Why am I so nervous? After all, it is just the most exciting day of my life." When the judges announced for the Parsippany Hills High School Marching Band to commence its show, my mind blanked out and I was on the verge of losing sanity. Giant's Stadium engulfed me, and as I pointed my instrument up to the judges' stand, I gathered my thoughts and placed my mouth into the ice-cold mouthpiece of the contrabass. "Ready or not," I beamed, "here comes the best show you will ever behold." There is no word to describe the feeling I obtain through music. However, there is no word to describe the pain I suffer through in order to be the best in the band either. When I switched my instrument to tuba from flute in seventh grade, little did I know the difference it would make in the four years of high school I was soon to experience. I joined marc hing band in ninth grade as my ongoing love for music waxed. When my instructor placed the 30 lb. sousaphone on my shoulder on the first day, I lost my balance and would have fallen had my friends not made the effort to catch me. During practices, I always attempted to ease the discomfort as the sousaphone cut through my collar bone, but eventually my shoulder started to agonize and bleed under the pressure. My endurance and my effort to play the best show without complaining about the weight paid off when I received the award for "Rookie of the Year." For the next three seasons of band practice, the ache and toil continued. Whenever the band had practice, followed by a football game and then a competition, my brain would blur from fatigue and my body would scream in agony. Nevertheless, I pointed my toes high in the air as I marched on, passionate about the activity. As a result, my band instructor saw my drive toward music and I was named Quartermaster for my junior year, being tr usted with organizing, distributing, and collecting uniforms for all seventy-five members of the band. The responsibility was tremendous. It took a bulk of my time, but the sentiment of knowing that I was an important part of band made it all worthwhile.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Understanding adolescence: Current developments in adolescent psychology Essay

Children and young people in their life development pass through various stages that have mental problems. Some of these problems result from self-assessment about life. When one finds that the kind of life that he or she is living, is rather below her expectation tend to be faced by depression emotions that they seek to eliminate. In case from their thoughts one thinks that he or she is leading a life that is higher relatively to his or her friends, there is the likelihood of the person to grow to be proud. Mostly, the problems that affect family at a large in the children result from negative feelings about themselves. Some of the behaviours that young people develop through these development stages are such as disobedience, drug abuse, delayed duties, poor academic performances, and low self-esteem amongst other emotional problems (Freeman, 1985, p. 321). From the case study, Ben is encountered undergoing psychological problem that have caused an alarm to the whole family. These problems are far from external causes, they are problems that he has built for himself through thought. He is pessimistic about the future and this has brought to him much stress, he sees no need to work hard in class work, he is engaged in drug and substance abuse and disobedient. Bad peer influence has contributed a lot in the behavioural changes of ben. The only remedy to ben’s problems is counsel him I an effort to input positive thought in his mind. Systematic approach of tackling families and their children problems involve family based approach such as parent training. Parents could be trained on how to approach their children to realize their emotional problems they may be undergoing and try to reach them as per their capacity. The problem of drug abuse could be dealt with by parents’ commitment to free their children from drug abuse (Adams, 1968, p. 67). Parents create drug-free environment if they act as role models by not engaging in drug abuse. It will be very hard to convince a young person to refrain from drugs if you abuse drugs. In the case of Ben, his parents need to embrace a systematic psychology therapy to make him avoid being involved in drug abuse by acting as role models to him. Central to the cognitive view of people is the idea that they are actively trying to make sense of their environment by imposing order and meaning in the things they encounter. Cognitive explanations of the behaviour are found within the ways in which Ben organise and process information that is relevant to the particular methods of acting. In the case study, we could only recognise the fate of Ben by engaging in efforts to study the causes of what make him behave in a differently way. The idea that Ben is born by old couple contributes and in addition, very busy parents, contributes to a lack of parental love. Ben’s situation could also be analysed through creative approach. Creative approach in working with young people to build coherent intervention entails an analytical examination of the problems and gathering of various ideas about solving it. The ideas on how to solve the emotional problems could come from experience of the parent. The outcome of a particular psychological problem that Ben has ever been exposed to could guide his parents in solving a related matter at hand (Myers, 2004, p.266). Integrating creative, cognitive behaviour and systematic approach comprises of merging all these three techniques of solving emotional problems, to a strong design of solving psychological problems. This model may take several routes in efforts to make it realistic. The very first plan in integration of different psychological approaches is common factors. The common factors plan of integration tries to judge the core elements that different approaches have in common. The merit of common factors approach is that, it emphasis on therapeutic actions that have been demonstrated to be the most effective. This helps to analyse Ben’s emotional problem based on common elements found in all the three methods, therefore, more efficient model in working with Ben to build a coherent intervention (Neenam & Palmer, 2012, p. 56). Young people are taught in a way to conduct. By showing Ben on what is right and wrong, you build on his character. A good character is a great contribution to the society. Young people create the potential future generation and influencing a young person positively adds value in the generation to come. The other method to psychological approach integration is through technical eclecticism. Through technical eclecticism, Ben’s parents are guided to picking what has worked best for others previously. In solving a mental problem, Ben’s parents would try to look at the past instances of a similar case and adopt the same model of resolution that was past adopted. The model could be improved if the latter situation is more complicated than the previous situation. The improvement on the design of solving mental problems could be through buying more ideas from every psychological approach. The situation of poor academic performance by ben because of lack of positive attitude could be solving through both systematic and cognitive behavioural approach. Through cognitive behavioural approach, the parent would put himself in the standards of ben and class work through critically obtaining real facts from him, this would help to guide the parent come up with viable ideas about the problem resolution (Mclean & woody, 2001, p.671). Theoretical integration focuses on merging all small elements of theories in each of the approach and tries to come up with one deep level design. This model arrived at, bears all material facts from all the methods and, therefore, more effective in solving emotional problems. It is believed to be effective than constituent therapies alone. Assimilative integration is another route in integrating different psychological approaches and therapies. Assimilative integration is a model that would a view from either of the approach to deal with the current problem on the table. It is constructed by assimilating different ideas from different methods in one design that can solve a specific psychological problem. Parental love enables children to grow healthy emotionally. It helps them avoid emotional worries about their love security. Any child, who grows up in an environment that lacks the touch of love, is likely to improve inhumane behaviours. Some of inhumane behaviour that a person may develop because of lack of parental love is such as misconduct for duty of care, high negligence and immoral behaviours. Parental control to a child is very essential in the child’s development. Parental control contributes to instil moral virtues in a child, which he grows to mature while to recognize. From a research, psychologists argue that children that grow up under high control are more intelligent than those that grow in a less disciplined environment. This is true because disciplined children rarely waste time in unconstructive engagements; hence, they are more constructive in nature (Ginsberg, 1964, p.551).Ben is found in a family where he is the only child in their family. This has exposed ben to a lonely life. Because of the loneliness that he is undergoing, he suffers from increased mental thinking due to lack of business of friends to share with. A lot of thought and quietness without a person to share with may amount to stress. A stressed person is prone to some illnesses such as low self-esteem; lack of appetite and poor performing habits is no someone to motivate him (Oxington, 2005, p.99). Systematic dealing of Ben’s loneliness life could help him. The remedy to a lonely life could be by providing a person with an interactive environment. Interactive environment social groups such as ball clubs, study groups, religious groups amongst the others. It is the responsibility of his parents to ensure that Ben interact with a peer group that impact positively to his life (Bierman, 2004, p. 178). By integrating the cognitive behaviour, systematic and creative approaches in working with Ben, reliable model of solving psychological problem is realized. A model to solving a problem is said to be effective if it achieves its purpose in a way that it leaves no harm. A model also is said to be effective if it can achieve the target on which is set for without many struggles. An effective model is complex enough to reach all forms of psychological problems. From the case study we are provided with, parents to Ben think of visiting a psychiatrist to help them, solve the problem affecting their son. Ben bears the information that a psychiatrist would use to help Ben from his psychological problems. The parents can perform what the psychiatrist would perform only that they need technological skills to conduct it. Through systematic approach of psychology, parents ought to be trained on how to face and solve psychological problems facing Ben. Parental training is a systematic approach p sychological treatment of problem solving techniques. An integrated psychological model covers the whole range of therapeutic models and professionalism. Psychological treatment provision is a multi-professional and multi-agency endeavour. Psychiatrist, psychotherapists, psychologists, counsellors, nurses, social workers and many other organizations are involved all of whom need to communicate and coordinate effectively with one another. Psychological therapies are fundamental to primary mental health care and can make a highly significant contribution to the user satisfaction. Its recommendations are based on the range of well-established scientific evidence but also on professional consensus and views of service users (Feinstem & Kuumba, 2006, p. 249). It would be a good idea to visit a psychiatrist on a psychological problem. One of the main characteristics of a managed counselling service is that it can be proactive in helping the psychological counselling and testing to conduct health needs assessments and implement the changes to services required, as a result of it (Hearley, 2012, p.107). In other words, if counselling is in the system it can be effective both clinically and organizationally. However, paradoxically, if there is a lack of counselling services not even an embryonic condition for such, there is often an absence of knowledge at the strategic level about the basic principles of treatment. Psychology and counselling are different professions. Counselling service managers can equally lead the provision of integrated psychological therapy services in primary care or remain in parallel arm (Dorfman & hersen, 2001, p. 455). Although, there is professional difference between psychology and counselling, their main goal is almost the same. Psychiatrists are psychology professionals that help one restore his or her normal state of performance and perception of various issues. It is important to note that Ben has engaged in some practices because of the impact from peers. Some practices such as drugs and substance abuse are adopted due to influence from other people. Ben has engaged in drug abuse to keep in touch with his friends, keeping away from them and not supporting would mean, unfriending them. Friends fill up the lives with joy, acceptability and self-confidence. Friends are the source of motivation and power to lead a happy life, nevertheless friendship at time may be running. Ben and his friends engage themselves in drug abuse as a way of passing their leisure time. This bad practice results from efforts to keep friends. It is the mandate of the parents to observe the company of friends that Ben interact with and pass to him a word of advice if necessary. If the friendship is constructive, show parental support on it, if the friendship behaves kind it is destructive, the parents should immediately discourage it (Granot, 2005, p. 115). By integrating different psychological methods, a design that is cost effective is achieved. The model is said to be cost effective if it is considerate in nature. Both the Ben’s parent and psychiatrist that are using the model should experience a mutual benefit from it. No party, either that seeks to help or the one that utilise the model to support should be in the worse side. The design is flexible enough if it is able to reach all the parties efficiently at their standards. Any matters arising during problem solving, should as well have their appropriate way of dealing with them. This is all that comprises of an efficient model (Cain, 1969, p.23). Creativity borrows a lot from psychology. Cognitive psychologist tries to build up cognitive models of the information processing that goes on inside people’s mind. A cognitive model of the memory system would suggest that it has two main components, one for dealing with the information that we need to process now. This brain based psychology where psychiatrist tries to measure your brain level of adopting things. It is after this critical brain analysis that the psychologist gets to know how to approach Ben in different brain dealings (Sigston, 1996, p 103). A clear strength of the cognitive behavioural therapy approach to depression is its grounding in cognitive theory of depression that has been subject to extensive empirical testing over several decades. This has brought the original theory into focus and led to important elaborations and changes (Luxmoore, 2006. P. 17). The cognitive model of depression that contextualizes cognitive behavioural therapy exemplifies the diathesis, stress approach to psychopathology. This is one of the best methods in dealing with stress, as searches for the reason of depression in an individual. Cognitive model tries to examine the sources of the stress to an individual after which it gathers information about on various solutions to the stress. In the case study, Ben is face within a situation full of depression. The pressure on ben is because of the parental requirement from him that he struggles to reach. Another source of depression comes in where he tries to impress his friends at the expense of his morality. That does not close the list of Ben in terms of being stressed up; Ben is in a depression following poor academic performance in the class. Poor academic performance is caused by being not very serious with his class duties due to engagement in some unproductive activities. Cognitive behavioural approach would guide his parent to try to create a positive attitude in ben that would enable him have a positive attitude toward his undertakings. Unhealthy social conduct amounts to a psychological problem. This could be dealt with by integrating the three approaches to psychology. An integrated model has all the appropriate ways in ensuring a well Ben’s psychological environment is maintained. By adopting an integrated model that combines the three approaches to solving psychological problems affecting Ben, an efficient way of tackling with social misconducts is realized. It is very vital to note that for a goal to be achieved effort must be made. In solving Ben’s psychological problem, it is very important to create a conducive environment for implementing measures to solve the problem. Creation of a good environment is achieved by equipping oneself with the entire facts amount to the source of psychological problems. It is also appropriate to approach Ben wisely. Every person does not want be seen as problematic even he or she is in a problem. One best method of creating a conducive environment in Ben is by showing him how importance he is. Once Ben is told about his necessity in the society, it becomes very easily to attack him. By attacking Ben, it means to put effort in counselling or executing the most appropriate measure in solving the psychological problem affecting Ben. For an objective to be achieved, there is should a mechanism to achieve the goal. This mechanism comprises of the method to follow in reaching the solution of the problem. By integrating approaches to understanding psychological matters, it creates effective models in solving psychological problems that affect Ben. It is easy to approach Ben for correction than an adult. Young people are quick learners and hence, they grasp things at a higher level as compared to the older ones. When it comes to parental guidance, use of disciplinary measures that are fierce is also encouraged; some children and young people are very naughty to change from a bad behaviour. In such a situation, a parent is advice to put into measures things as punishment in controlling the behaviour of their children (Morgan, 1991, p.113). Through correcting children by punishment, they learn faster on how to avoid such a mistake again, unlike just by a mere word of mouth. Due to fear of undergoing punishment, it would very hard for Ben to repeat the same mistake. The usefulness of integrating cognitive behavioural, systematic and creative approaches in working with Ben to build a coherent intervention has a great contribution in improving his life. It tries to come up with different and effective approaches to deal with psychological problems affecting Ben. Nevertheless, improved models of dealing with psychological problems may fail at times; this is because some psychological problems have some source in biological development of a person. As a young person develops, especially in adolescent, he may develop another psychological problem such as pride that is very hard to deal within integrated cognitive behavioural, systematic and creative approaches. The growth of cognitive behavioural perspective reflects the impact of a more generally cognitive view of psychology. The cognitive approach focuses on how our behaviour is affect, by the way, in which we take in, mentally represent, process, and store information. Psychologists who take a cognitive approach suggest that there be several ways, in which children learn to be aggressive. Children may see others being reward for acting aggressively and then might be rewarded themselves for doing the same. Aggressiveness might also be more likely if a child constantly hears that other people can be dangerous and that aggression is the only way to deal with threats, disagreements and another conflict situation. In dealing with the emotional problems affecting Ben, it will be vital to try to examine his logical understanding of the issues; this would help to try change Ben’s way of perceiving an understanding some life aggregate issues (Ashworth, 2000, p.253). Cognitive approach in solving a mental problem has a significant contribution in decision. It could help Ben change a negative mentality to a positive and composed mind. Psychologist who takes a cognitive approach suggests that mental processes help us to understand many kinds of individual and social behaviours, from decision-making and problem solving to interpersonal attraction and intelligence. The cognitive approach is especially important in the field of cognitive science, in which researchers from psychology and philosophy study intelligent systems in the human (Gallagler, 2011, p 13). Generally, cognitive approach refers to those therapeutic techniques aiming to change or modify Ben’s thoughts or beliefs. Beliefs are assumptions about life values that a person creates. References Adams,  J.  F. (1968). Understanding adolescence: Current developments in adolescent psychology. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. American Psychopathological Association, In Hoch,  P.  H., & In Zubin,  J. 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Thursday, October 10, 2019

Mate Selection

It is not uncommon for individuals to bargain with themselves in an effort to create motivation where none exists: If I get the lawn mowed before noon, I’ll spend the rest of the day watching football; if I lose five pounds, I’ll buy that new dress.   Sometimes, when individuals bargain, it isn’t as much for motivation as it is for justification: If my boss won’t give me that raise, I’ll stop working those extra hours; I had every right to flip that guy off because he cut right in front of me. These are instances in which the bargaining is self-motivated, self-serving, and self-indulgent, and while effective and perhaps necessary, the stakes in most of these circumstances isn’t necessarily high.   After all, who’s going to know or care if a yard goes unmowed, a dress is prematurely purchased, an extra hour isn’t spent at one’s desk, or a flip-off wasn’t honestly deserved?   However, when it comes to choosing a mate in a relationship, the role played by bargaining carries a much higher stake, and the consequences of poor judgment while bargaining and/or poor bargaining tactics can be devastating. The degree to which bargaining occurs during the mate selection process varies from person to person as do the focal point(s) of the bargain; however, there are a number of areas that are particularly intriguing. â€Å"The Necessities and Luxuries of Mate Preferences: Testing the Tradeoffs† (2002)  focuses on the degree to which â€Å"women and men first ensure sufficient levels of necessities in  potential mates before considering many other characteristics† (Li, Bailey, Kenrick, &  Linsenmeier).   Factors such as a potential mate’s attractiveness and social status are essential  according to Li, et al. (2002); however, because their research placed greater emphasis on  realistic economic potential as opposed to that of previous research (which allowed for  speculation regarding â€Å"how to spend imaginary lottery winnings†), a pattern that had not  previously emerged became clear: the sexes do not always agree on what constitutes a  Ã¢â‚¬Å"necessity† versus what constitutes a â€Å"luxury† (Li, et al., 2002). American social construct is partially responsible for this difference.   Men are far more likely to have access to â€Å"status, power, and resources†; therefore, these are deemed â€Å"necessary† traits by women who seek a mate.   On the other hand, men view women as the means by which offspring can be produced, and based on this, they see physical attractiveness and age as â€Å"necessary† factors in mate selection (Li, et al., 2002).   Obviously, this requires a great degree of bargaining as the two subjects are (at least initially) focused on absolutely different traits while evaluating a potential mate Where Li, et al. conclude that much of the bargaining that occurs in mate selection is based on the differences between what men and women consider â€Å"necessary,† â€Å"Gender Socialization: How Bargaining Power Shapes Social Norms and Political Attitudes,† (2005) examines the social dynamics that might be responsible for creating the basis for the differences between the sexes regarding what is â€Å"necessary† (Iversen & Rosenbluth). Iversen and Rosenbluth (2005) focus on the issue of patriarchy â€Å"and explore its effects on female social, economic, and political status† in order to evaluate â€Å"mate choice preferences between agricultural, industrial, and post-industrial societies.†Ã‚   This research was an intriguing undertaking, and what it revealed was the effect that social structure had on the bargaining that took place in mate selection. Social settings that required brawn (i.e. the agricultural and industrial periods) required women willingly bargain to find a mate who was physically capable of performing basic household and wage-earning duties (Iverson & Rosenbluth).   Women often bargained for a mate with physical strength by giving up living arrangements, locations, and circumstances.   Because women of the agricultural and industrial periods were not physically capable of performing some tasks and legally barred from others, there was little choice but for them to put aside almost everything but sheer physical strength when undertaking bargaining during mate selection (Iversen & Rosenbluth). When the post-industrial period was examined, two significant differences were seen.   First, because the need for physical prowess to survive at home and at work had diminished, women were far less likely to bargain away everything simply to secure a strong man.   â€Å"Once employment opportunities for women [began to approach] those of men in quantity and quality, socialization [began] to shift away from [women’s] ‘playing the marriage market’ † (Iversen & Rosenbluth). No longer would women willingly pack up and move hundreds of miles away from all family and all friends, nor would they automatically settle for a man of lower social and economic status in order to marry brawn—women could consider themselves wage-earners and be more choosey when it came to potential mates (Iversen & Rosenbluth). The second phenomenon that was revealed was â€Å"the declining importance of virginity† that factored into the bargaining (Iversen & Rosenbluth).   Where women of the agricultural and industrial periods had to secure their virginity absolutely, women of the post-industrial period were not as likely to be dismissed as ineligible brides by the men of the era simply because they were no longer virgins.   This degree of personal control had a freeing effect on women who began to see themselves as capable of autonomy (Iversen & Rosenbluth). Much of this seems to indicate a breaking away on the part of women, and Iversen and Rosenbluth (2005) conclude that â€Å"while mate preferences in agrarian societies seemed to reflect an inevitable female resignation to their subordination, modern mate preferences are more egalitarian, and the gender gap in policy preferences suggest that many women are hoping to use the democratic state to make them more egalitarian still.† Given the number of times a day an individual is likely to bargain with him/herself over routine actions or mundane decisions, it seems reasonable that a great deal of bargaining go into something as significant as the selection of one’s mate.   Research seems to indicate that like other acknowledged differences that exist between the sexes, the degree to which certain factors influence bargaining with and selection of a potential mate may depend on the gender of the evaluator. Further, it seems that as time passes and the more independent women become, the more the evaluative items regarding what is â€Å"necessary† may change in the minds of both males and females. References Iversen, T. & Rosenbluth, F.   (2005).   Gender socialization: How bargaining power shapes social norms and political attitudes.   Retrieved October 22, 2006. Li, N. P., Bailey, J. M., Kenrick, D. T., & Linsenmeier, J. A. W.   (2002).   The necessities and luxuries of mate preferences: Testing and tradeoffs.   Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 82(6). Retrieved October 22, 2006               

Rose’s Characterization of McCarthyism

Rose has used the actions and motives of the jurors as a method of characterising and thus criticising the practise of McCarthyism. A fine example of this is the 3rd juror. A reckless and unrestrained man, he makes accusations against fellow jurors for not siding with his point of view; ‘Listen, you voted â€Å"guilty†, didn’t you? What side are you on? ’ – a direct reflection of the actions adopted by senator Joseph McCarthy in the 1950’s. The 3rd juror also wrongly accuses the 5th for changing his vote to ‘not-guilty’ without any evidence to support his conclusion. This further exemplifies the premise of ‘making unfair allegations or using unfair investigative techniques, especially to restrict dissent’. He also verbally attacks those jurors that he perceives as beneath him to further assert his own power or control as well as to discourage any views that are contrary to his own. The 10th juror is also used to reflect another aspect of McCarthyism. He seems almost afraid of those different to him and his speech regarding those born in slums is an example of the paranoia that the practise of McCarthyism can spread. It is also evident that the 3rd and 8th jurors had virtually decided the defendant’s guilt without any reference to evidence and were both very unwilling to concede that a reasonable doubt existed. It is clear that Rose has used the most unreasonable and reckless jurors to characterise McCarthyism in order to condemn its practise and to explore the dangers that similar movements pose to society. Twelve Angry Men as an interpretation of the American Dream Twelve Angry Men explores a national ethos of the United States; the notion that the opportunity for prosperity and success exists for every man regardless of social class or circumstances of birth. This set of ideals is defined as the ‘American Dream’. Rose has used the jurors of the play to demonstrate how the notion of the American Dream can influence the underpinning ideals that society operates upon. For instance, the 8th juror provides an advocate for the principle of equality – the notion that ‘all men are created equal’ regardless of ethnicity or class. This is demonstrated by his sympathy towards the defendant in regards to his difficult upbringing. The 5th juror then provides an example for the American Dream in action. He has been able to create a successful career for himself despite being born in a slum. Rose has used him to support the premise that social mobility can be achieved despite a disadvantaged upbringing through a willingness to work hard. The 10th juror is then used to represent those who attempt to undermine the values of equality that are explicitly rendered within the dream by continually distinguishing himself from ‘them’. The 3rd juror also exemplifies someone who has achieved material success (not necessarily internal fulfilment) through a willingness to work hard and strive forwards. The consumerist culture that has been facilitated by the American Dream has also been represented by Rose – in the form of the 12th juror. Attached to the 3rd and 12th jurors is the notion that the focus of the dream has shifted to material ownership rather than personal progress or contentment, that success is only defined in terms of money. It is the evident unhappiness of the 3rd juror which details that material possession certainly does not guarantee intrinsic fulfilment. The methodical criticism of seemingly solid facts by the 8th juror highlights a transition from concrete to intangible. Rose has done this to demonstrate that not everything is as certain as it first seemed and in turn this can be applied to the seemingly impermeable institution of the American Dream. The overriding prejudices of many in the jury room shows that hard work may not guarantee success and social class or race can have an impact on individuals perceptions of others. This exemplifies the pessimistic belief that the American wealth structure perpetuates long-standing racial and class inequalities embedded in American society. This is in contrast to the idealistic view that a 1950’s America presented a frontier for egalitarian societies. Thus Rose has debased the belief that obtaining wealth is necessary in achieving one’s dreams.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Collaborative Consumption Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Collaborative Consumption - Essay Example The concept of collaborative consumption has been aided by advancing technology and peer communities that reinvents old behaviours of the market on new scale and ways that have not been witnessed before. Examples of aspects that enhance collaborative consumption include: car sharing marketplaces such as Zipcar, huge marketplaces such as Craiglist and eBay, and peer-to-peer communities such as GuideHop (Walljasper, 2010, p. 28). Several studies have shown that collaborative consumption is greatly disrupting the traditional business models, while at the same time reinventing old market behaviours thereby influencing how people consume and what they consume. Since collaborative consumption is disrupting the traditional business models and reinventing old market behaviours, it is conceivable that this new era will require a dramatic re-evaluation of everything that we know regarding improvement of the relationship between the customers and the suppliers. It is no doubt that the extent of re-evaluation would be bigger than even imagined. This is some sort of paradigm shift from â€Å"common consumption† that has been characterized by a number of problems, miscommunication being its biggest problem (Baron and Harris, 2008, p. 113). Collaborative consumption is informed by the theory of collaboration which basically states that collaboration is enhanced among people when the collaborators are expecting beneficial outcome from the collaboration. Price et al (2006, p. 51) argues that this theory holds that collaboration is vital towards eliminating inherent selfish nature of human beings by making them see benefits out of combined actio ns and efforts. Further, collaborative consumption is informed by the collaboration theory assumption that it has a causal outcome; that is, if causal outcome is higher then the collaborators would have higher commitment and participation levels. Even though â€Å"common consumption† is still prominent in the marketplaces, it is emerging that everything is becoming collaborative. The world has in recent times has experienced immense renting and swapping of clothes, homes, and cars through technologies and peer communities such as Airnb, Zipcar, and RentCycle (Walljasper, 2010, p. 57). Collaborative consumption is a theory in itself that holds that people can buy something without necessarily owning it. The view of not owning something after buying it notwithstanding, a person buying it should take responsibility for them, be it clothes, electric, or car. The era of collaborative consumption requires dramatic re-evaluation in respect to both customer-supplier relationship and how we look at the community. This dramatic re-evaluation has to entail the understanding of the resurgence of community, the values in the community, and how members of the community connect to one another. The same re-evaluation should be applied to the customer- supplier relationship. As has been noted, consumers and suppliers in this model calls for more responsibilities; as such, it is critical to re-evaluate the accountability and the responsibility aspects in the model (Holt, 2005, p. 6). Collaborative consumption has been touted as one of the greatest revolutions of our time and may be as significant as the industrial revolution. It has been argued