Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Turkey and Russia relationship during World War II Research Paper

Turkey and Russia relationship during World War II - Research Paper Example In the phony war phase of the Second World War, Russia got reach and control over the Turkish Straits which were of significant influence in the entire course of the war. Turkey had its interests intertwined with that of the Iranian affair and thereby it demanded more proactive actions from U.S.S.R in the course of the war. This led to overall bitterness in the state of affairs and diplomatic activities between the two states. Prior to the war, the two countries were interlocked into the treaty of Peace and Neutrality that was signed towards 1925. The development of the aforementioned scenario and overall tension led to the annulment of the treaty and further strangulation of the ties between these two states (BÄ °LGE 2012). Turkey found the demands of Russia being too advanced and unjust and this did not go well with the Turkish army. The Russians wanted to use the Turkish territory in the same way as was Poland used by Germany against it. Turkey would not allow this as it suspected Russia of having followed the policy that was continued from the days of the Ottoman Empire where the Russian state was alleged to have played a significant role towards overall weakening and subsequent destruction of the Ottoman Empire (Hale 2012). Strategic interests, Russia’s expanded interest in the region, past rivalry and past incidents of mistrust, Turkey’s refusal of surrendering to the demands directly made up for few of the causes of the overall resentment and disagreement between the two states.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

The Kind of Allow Steel Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

The Kind of Allow Steel - Assignment Example This will then be followed by cooling the reheated metal in the air until it fully cools. This will enable the metal to attain a minimum yield strength of about 900-1100Mpa which is within the range that was required. Surface hardening is a form of corrosion that occurs on the outer surface of the metal that is caused by direct electrochemical or chemical attack on the surface of the metal. It is characterized by etching of the surface of the metal and deposition of the powdery products that result from the chemical attack on the surface of the metal This type of corrosion is intensely localized that normally takes place within crevices and other shielded areas that are on the surface of the metal but exposed to a given corrosive. This corrosion occurs when a small volume of a stagnant solution corrodes small holes in the surface of the metal such as in gasket surfaces, bolt and rivet heads as well as in lap joints. Pitting corrosion is also a form of localized corrosion that occurs on the surface of a metal. This kind of corrosion results in the formation of holes or pits on the surface of the metal. These pits are usually very small and they tend to be localized in a certain region of the metal. They are sometimes so very tiny and close together and might tend to look like a rough surface of the metal. This kind of corrosion is characterized by small localized holes that are usually of the same depth Yes, iron can be corroded by de-aerated dilute hydrochloric acid. This can be proved by calculation of the Gibbs energy during the process. The reaction between hydrochloric acid and Iron is as shown below Ratchet marks, on the other hand, are an indicator of stress concentration in one particular area leading to failure. The small but instantaneous zones may show that the stress was low during fracture. However, multiple origin ratchet marks indicate that there was sufficient of enough stress to cause cracking in that region.