Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on How Male Characters are Portrayed in The Taming...

How Male Characters are Portrayed in The Taming of the Shrew Male characters in the â€Å"Taming of the Shrew† play a significant role in the play as women in fact without the male characters one can say that the male characters wouldn’t react in the manner they do. The characters I have selected are Tranio, Hortensio, Lucentio and Petruchio because I feel they play more significant roles in the play then any of the other male characters due to the fact that three of them are suitors and that one dramatically influences how the play develops. I will do this via textual analysis (by selecting relevant segments of text and giving my detailed opinion on what Shakespeare’s intentions are in relation†¦show more content†¦Although Tranio at times has more power and influence over Lucentio and other character he is more then willing to fulfil his masters every wish and command. It is ironic he isn’t punished for assuming the role of a gentle man. This is due to the fact that he is fulfilling his masters’ commands. This is made evident throughout Shakespeare’s plays such as in, â€Å" twelfth night† the role reversal is generally temporary and only admitted by the servants master. However everything must conclude and in act five Tranio is firmly put back I his place after all the tomfoolery have finished. Even though he has been in a significant role of power he’s never really posed a threat to the hierarchy of the play although he did create some discomfort and discontent towards the older male characters. Shakespeare’s main purpose for Tranio is to undermine the system and create humour. He utilises irony to a great extent, the fact Tranio impersonates his master demonstrates the power Tranio. He may not be of a noble class but his mind is as sharp as a razor blade and through this he is able to fulfil Lucentios plans. Hortenensio is another potential suitor for the fair hand of Bianca. He does not posses Petruchios vigour or Lucentios â€Å"sex appeal† and although he proclaims to be passionately in love with Bianca (act one scene two line 173-174) it isShow MoreRelatedTaming Of The Shrew And The Merchant Of Venice1612 Words   |  7 Pagescomedy plays, The Taming of the Shrew and The Merchant of Venice challenge a very serious social issue, the role and importance of woman in society. We all know the stereotypical image of woman in the society but Shakespeare questions the society on these thoughts through his plays. While Shakespeare expresses his ideas in a very unique way in each of his plays, this issue is common in both plays and is portrayed very similarly. 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